One Room Challenge: Week 6

First, I would like to thank ORC for using their platform and not making light of our current state. Taking week 5 off to acknowledge it, listen, and educate was very appreciated. Thank you ORC!

Now for our Week Six progress! For those who have been following me know this is KAMAAAAA past client turned real good fiend. Today (June 10) she’s helping with my vision for the #OneRoomChallenge. I bought this stencil and originally it was supposed to go on the Sriracha wall to kind of tone it down. BUT then I thought why tone it down and I’m living boldly in color. So this week I had my ceiling flushed of the texture and said the stencil should go on the ceiling. Well, after a few failed attempts against gravity she is now configuring how to do the stencil with the tape method. 😅🥳

I prayed to be surrounded around people who support my dream and creative shenanigans. Y’all we spent ALLLLLL day trying to figure this thing out and WE DID! I can’t wait to show you all what we ended up with. OOOOOoooo it’s going to be so good.

Now today, June 11, I dropped off my canvas from an ASID show house I did last year. I couldn’t part ways with it, but wasn’t sure how I could repurpose it either. After talking to a designer friend, I’m having it cut for multiple frames for a gallery wall. That way I get to keep a milestone memory for me in my #OneRoomChallenge.

Make sure y’all are keeping up with all the wonderful designers participating! Click the image below to see for yourself! :)


One Room Challenge: Week 7
