Per usual #HPMKT owes me NOTHING. This go-round I was able to join Mr. Design Incredible, Don Ricardo, and High Point By Design on the Hummer Tour. During this tour we toured 12 different showrooms and I’m going to point out a few of my favorites.

For this tour I was joined by some AMAZING designers and now my new designer friends. They are all mentioned below. Be sure to follow them and let them know that I sent you. *wink It's always so refreshing to attend these events with like-minded individuals. They understand the ups and downs as a designer. I call my trips to #HPMKT my designer revival. I get to decompress and come back so inspired and ready to work. Now let’s dive in into the details of the #HPXDHummer Tour.

First up Mr. Lancaster himself! He was in the building y’all! As you can see to the right we were hanging onto his every word. I love to listen to people talk about their craft, their why, but the kicker part for me was how he spoke about his people—His Team! That really tells the heart behind the brand. That and the back support pillow on this beautiful banquette sofa took the cake for me. I didn’t want to get up from it because it was that comfortable. Before I left I was able to speak with him and tell him I loved to hear how he treats his people. With that sir you can have all my client’s money!

Photographed: Left to Right Tristian, Tiara, Lauren Ashley

Another touching moment was this fireside chat with Jane and her friend, Lisa Kahn of Finding Sanctuary, about her deep connection to making her client’s project their sanctuary. But as the designers started to open up we discovered it’s something we all do in some shape or form whether we know it or not. This conversation was very powerful, and it brought me back to a favorite tiny human space we completed this time last year. This particular family experienced an eclectic fire in their kids bedroom. Our client shared how nervous she was letting her babies back in that space. On reveal day I’ll never forget the look on her daughter’s faces. The best line from her eldest, “Mom, our rooms look better than yours now!” LOL Tiny humans have NO CHILL.

From one amazing conversation to the next. We were able to meet the designer behind Baker, Thomas Pheasant, and let me tell y’all, some of the most beautiful pieces I saw this #HPMKT. What I enjoyed most about his fireside chat was some of the details of making a furniture line. I don’t know a designer who wouldn’t love their own line. His use of light and dark tones —LOVE. The table we are standing in front of, let’s just say you may see it in a client home very soon.

Y’all I definitely can keep on writing because there’s a rug I absolute fell in love with. Yes, that’s really a thing, but I don’t want to bore you all. Let’s just say a time was had and if you’re a designer reading, next market make it a point to apply for the tour. If you’re designer still on the fence about coming to #HPMKT, get off of it and make your way to Spring Market. If you need a little help there’s an e-book waiting on you. *wink wink. You won’t be disappointed I promise and I’ll leave you with this. What we do as a designer’s is far more than making pretty spaces. Over these past 6 years each day it becomes more apparent for myself. Welcoming someone into your space and trusting them with your design dreams is something sacred.

Enjoy the Experience,

Lauren Ashley

Details - Participating Designers:


Hosted by: @designinkredible& @jdagmi for @highpointxdesign

Photographer: @madebyalberto on IG and AV Creatives (avcreatives.co)




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